Cle­land Wildlife Park will be closed Sat­ur­day, 22 Feb­ru­ary due to extreme weath­er. Cle­land Wildlife Park will reopen on Sunday 23 February at 9:30am | Separately, the Southern Paddock is temporarily closed to support the recovery of some of our kangaroos and wallabies. Details.

Kids' Experiences

Cleland offers a number of experiences tailored for children – from weekly pre-schooler activities to our very special school holiday clubs. Every experience is undertaken by our fully qualified education officers.

We currently have a number of experiences on offer, including:

Bush Buddies

Age: 2 - 4 year olds

When: Weekly, during the school term. Each Monday at 11.00 am, Tuesday at 10.00 am, Friday at 10.00 am

What: Explore a different Australian animal through storytelling, music, interactive and sensory learning experiences, while exploring the park.

Cost: $12.00 per session, plus entry fee

More information

Book now

Puggle Play

Age: Under 2 years (babies)

When: Weekly, during the school term. Each Thursday at 10am.

What: Discover nature and animals through sensory based learning opportunities.

Cost: $12.00 per session, plus entry fee

More information

Book now

School Holiday Programs

Age: 2-12 years


We have a variety of NEW nature and animal based kid programs to excite and engage your children each school holidays at Cleland Wildlife Park. Click here to find out more.


Junior Conservation Club

8-14 years


We encourage those who are passionate about the environment, and don’t mind getting their hands a little dirty. Come along and get involved in our diverse monthly activities and reconnect with nature.


Weather Conditions:

Sessions will commence in all temperatures up to 36 degrees, if temperature reaches 36 degrees session will be cancelled and you will be notified by the Children’s Engagement Officer via our online booking system.

Session will also be cancelled on days of catastrophic fire danger, and park will be closed.

Gumnut Gazette

Age: All ages

When: Available online at the beginning of each month

What: Cleland’s very own kids newsletter, full of interesting environmental facts and fun activities.

Cost: Free

Read it now

Community Events

Cleland provides a variety of annual and special events for families throughout the year. Keep an eye on this space for event updates and information.